Saturday, April 04, 2009

Dog Walk, Dog Puke.

I figured out how to use Kosmo's harness and the walks go fine now. We went out this morning and Kosmo was Mr. Popular on Valencia. Ladies and Gay dudes love him. He made a turd so big it would make Waych proud. kos is really well behaved.

When we got home I gave him a treat so I could get his collar off. I then noticed he had some weird looking shit hanging from his mouth,(he usually has some drool, which is normal, but this was yellowish). I followed the nasty drool to a pile of puke. A some in his bed and a pile on the carpet. I cleaned the mess and spent the rest of the day holding a shaky Kosmo. He was shaking the same way I do when I'm sick as fuck. After a few hours he was fine. I cleande up his bed and the rug. Poor puppy. I haven't let him out of my sight an I'm sure he is now ok. I'm just worried that San might stress about it on his honeymoon, Kosmo is fine.

Mike came home from Hawaii with V. We had some Hein-dogs and blazed a J.

Looking forward to breakfast in the morning.

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