Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Are you reading this?

If you are reading this on Facebook, please click the link a the bottom that reads View Original Post. Now you are on my actual blog. Now be a buddy and leave a comment, maybe not this post, but please, at least one post! I'm going to California at the end of this week. What is the fucking point of writing if no one is reading. I assume people are not reading, but they are.

Maybe I should watch what I say. Some people actually read my blog. Sure no one comments, but they still read it.

My Granny Mo asked me last week about "smoking bowls". She read it on my blog. I told her it meant smoking pot. She asked a few more questions, which made her sound like a narc. "How much does it cost?" and "Where do you get it?". Hard questions to answer flat out. I get it from a guy and it costs as much as I get. I get where she's coming from. Shes about to give me 40$ for groceries and doesn't want me to spend it on drugs. That's not an outrageous request for a grandparent to make.

Am I supposed to censor myself because my grandma reads my blog?

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