Friday, January 03, 2014

Rambo Steals a Boot

I worked at receiving shoes all day today, opening a box, checking to see if all the shoes were there, repeat. It was an uneventful day, save for the guy I saw walking down Yonge Street without a coat on in -35c. He wasn't homeless either, he had an iphone (hobos can't charge iphones).

I had a nice text based chat with my buddy Matt Stone over my lunch break. It was good to hear that he's been reading my blog, but it might be creepy as he Hi buddy.

I had dinner with Mike and his stepdaughter Vienna. It was a good meal, and cool to see V's daughter again. Mike goes back to Seattle tomorrow. I'm gonna miss him.
Rambo steals my boot

This is my friend Shawna's dog Rambo. A few people have asked how I spent New Years Eve, I spent it with Rambo(Rams, Rambino, Ramalamadingdong) He is stealing my Doc Martin boots to enjoy as a leathery snack. He is not feeling well so I wish him well and hope he's better soon.

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