So I really got to see all the people I love and care about today, I'm going to sleep a happy dude.
Social: of, relating to, or based on rank or status in a particular society (a member of our social set) Dynamo: a forceful energetic individual
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Matt Thompson
So I really got to see all the people I love and care about today, I'm going to sleep a happy dude.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Bendham P.I.
Yogurt came to Toronto to buy a Nintendo wii, which are still in short supply in London, Ontario. We went to the Future Shop at the new Toronto Life building. We checked out Best Buy, which is the same company, but they had sold out that morning. I bought my Nintendo wii at the same best buy on November 19th 2006 and they still cant keep them on the shelves! So he picked up the wii along with Mario Galaxy(best-game-ever!), wii play, and Sega's Master Baiter Bass Fishing. He has a new TV and he had his girlfriend are both excited to play their new system. He kept looking at the box, even tho I have one. We played my nintendo till late.
In the morning we met Matt and his girlfriend Anna and Nim at Sneaky Dee's. Yogsy and I both had the eggs benny, fantastic. I told Nim I had been going to the gym and he waited for the punchline.
Yogi drove back to his lady with the wii, triumphant.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Personal Trainers are cute but expensive
Thursday, March 27, 2008
"But I saw it on Ebay"
But wait!
On a recent trip to HMV, I realized that these titles have now all been released. Just as people begin the switch to Blu-Ray DVD!
Now the only thing left to wait for is Let It Be. Hurry up Yoko!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Smashing Pumpkins in Rolling Stone Hot List
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Pumpkins Say "Fuck You(An Ode To Virgin Records)"
"We fought hard for the right to be in control of how our music is used, to avoid situations like this kind of crass commercialism and exploitation. Labels like EMI are no longer running the show, and we won't be bullied by those in the 'old' music business who consider every artist to be easily expendable. Those days are over." - Billy Corgan
THE SMASHING PUMPKINS have filed a lawsuit this week against Virgin Records, their former record label, for the unauthorized exploitation of the band's musical works and image as well as for devaluing the market value of its music and deceiving its fans.
Filed in the Superior Court of the State of California in Los Angeles, the suit states that Virgin Records-without the band's knowledge or permission-endorsed and sponsored a worldwide promotional marketing campaign by and Pepsi for both companies to promote and sell Amazon and Pepsi products for financial profit.
The suit contends that the Pumpkins-one of alternative rock's most successful artists-have vigilantly overseen their music and likeness, which "convey a message of honesty, artistic integrity and alternative non-main stream culture" and that Virgin Records has "irreparably harmed the group, their reputation and goodwill with their fans."
The Pumpkins would never have granted such authority to Virgin, or any other entity, because they govern the use of its name, likeness, and musical works in conjunction with any commercial affiliation or sponsorship. Therefore, the suit indicates "Virgin has deceived and confused the public into believing that Plaintiff is affiliated with the promotion and/or that Plaintiff itself is participating in the promotion."
The Pumpkins are demanding, as the suit states, "a full and complete accounting of all funds received by Virgin pursuant to the Pepsi promotion" and the band is "entitled to an award of punitive damages against Virgin in an amount according to proof."
The suit maintains that "Virgin's action, unless and until enjoined and restrained by order of this Court, will cause great and irreparable injury to Plaintiff, as it continues to falsely attribute Plaintiff's sponsorship and/or affiliation with the promotion, and continues to provide Plaintiff's musical works at a price below the market value of the works, thereby damaging Plaintiff's reputation and reducing the market value of Plaintiff's musical works."
Says Billy Corgan: "'It's a frustrating situation honestly, to be treated so poorly by a label where we had so much success. Recently, they have ignored our pleas to give our fans special editions of our old albums, telling us they weren't interested. So there is a tremendous amount of hypocrisy involved with them turning around and using us like this."
"It's another desperate attempt," says Jimmy Chamberlin, "by an anachronistic business to generate revenue however they can, legal or illegal. They have neither the wisdom to accept their irrelevance, nor the intelligence to do something about it." He adds: "Just goes to show that they will do about anything for money. Seems they have long forgotten how to actually 'work' for a dollar."
The Pumpkins, who last year released the gold-certified Zeitgeist album on Martha's Music/Reprise, are currently on tour in Australia. The band has created one of the most acclaimed bodies of work in music history. Formed in Chicago in 1988, they released Gish, their influential (and platinum) debut in 1991, which was followed by more platinum and multi-platinum albums including the nine-times platinum Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness and the four-times platinum Siamese Dream. The pivotal group's many hits include "Disarm," "Today," "Cherub Rock," "1979," "Tonight, Tonight" and "Bullet With Butterfly Wings"-songs that defined the alternative music era and continue to resonate on modern rock radio, influencing a whole new generation.
Isn't that awesome? They wanted to release special editions of the old records and the label didn't want to. What a bunch of stupid assholes!
And as for the future of the Pumpkins, from Jimmy Chaiberlain himself:
As the tour winds down I would just like to say what a pleasure and an honor it was to play for so many of you. I try to never forget that my job is a sacred privilege. Music, the thing that binds you to me and all of us to the Universe is my light.
Let me also say that this band, The Smashing Pumpkins, will continue to write, record, release, and perform AS LONG AS WE ARE ABLE!
Some of you may have read bits of an interview that was done in confidence by yours truly in which I say that the Pumpkins probably won't record cd's anymore. What I meant by this is this: Although we may not use the "album" or "full length cd" as a format anymore, WE WILL WRITE AND RECORD MUSIC UNTIL WE ARE DEAD!!!!!!!! WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY!!!!!!!!
I could go on about how I was stolen from, violated, lied to by some ignoble journalist, but what's the point?
I choose light.
Love Jimmy.
That is some great news Jimmy! Music is changing so fast. It really is a brave new world. I can't wait to hear what the Smashing Pumpkins come up with. I hope a Canadian tour is planned for sometime this year.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I Am Legend
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Workout time
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Drillbit Taylor
This is me in Grade 9.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Bronken Bowl
We stoners often use an electric coffee grinder or "Bud Buster" to cut up Marijuana. They get jammed up with crystals, and the lid wont come off, and then the button wont even go down. I've seen it happen before to others, and mine just stopped working.
So I went to Roach-o-Rama in Kensington. I picked up a nice heavy bowl, sturdy, and I also got a metal hand grinder with a tricomb catcher, so the crystals wont get lost and go to waste.
Well it turns out the bowl wasn't the right size, so I'm gonna go back tomorrow and exchange it. The grinder works excellent.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
No Disability C.P.P. for You!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Stormalongs @ Clinton's, 03/19/08
now watch Guru Pitka and laugh!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My new bed
I went to my first Japanese class. It will defiantly require me to do a lot of reading between classes in order to keep up. I really want to do well so I can speak with Koji in Japanese when I visit him later this year.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Bed assembly
I had to run back from the gym to meet the Ikea delivery guys. I spent the rest of the day assembling my new bed. Paul came over, we burned and he helped me with the drawers that go in the bottom of the bed.
We went to see the Stormalongs rehearse in the Heaven Room. I was so pooched I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them, Nim was there, it was great to see my old roommate again. It was the longest rehearsal in a while, four hours! I did my patented scream on Kierkegaard.
I'm going to watch Robocop 2 and go to sleep in my brand new bed!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Ikea Sweedesh Meatball Time!
Ode to Ikea
Swedish meatballs...
Modular Furniture...
Guys named Sven and Bjorn.
I walked Mom to Union Station, and we walked by Max Payne shooting at 1 King West. The building was all lit up, there were NYPD Police Cars, a SWAT van, fake subway stairs. They were adding snow around the sidewalk. It was cool.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
The show is next Wednesday at Clinton's.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Rivers Speaks
"Hey Weezer punks,
We have one song left to mix and then it’s on to mastering. We should be all done very soon. Then we chill for a minute.
The album will be out in June so with any luck you will hear a new Weezer song on the radio soon. I think I know which song is the first single but I’m not sure so I can’t tell you. I’ll give you some hints, though. It’s one word, starts with a T, ends with an R and contains twelve letters. You should be able to figure it out because you’re smart li’l Weezer fans.
The album is meaty, crunchy and melodic like a good Weezer album should be.
Peace out,
I can't wait to hear the new album, and Weezer always hits Toronto when touring, maybe I can even catch a Japan date when they go there.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Burn Me Down
You left the oven on all night, AGAIN
Thanks, now the whole house smells like burning
What are you trying to do, kill us?"
I had a good breakfast before I left the house. Grams gets help with her mac at the apple store. I met G-Mo right on time. We had a coffee and walked around. She had to hurry home so I took the subway back with her so we could try to finish our conversation. Good times.
I got home around noon and Governor Eliot Spitzer was on tv, resigning because of a lapse in judgment. He spent 80,000$ on whores! That's over a 10 year period, but still a rather large entertainment budget.
I made a great ham sandwich, Then I went and joined a gym. Seriously, I joined a gym. I even worked out after I got the tour. I ran on the treadmill for a half hour, felt really good.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I have been having trouble finding the studio version of the new Smashing Pumpkins track Superchrist from Guitar Center's Fresh Tracks. We don't have Guitar Center in Canada. I found it thanks to Davin at Netphoria. I made it real easy with a rapidshare link right here; Smashing Pumpkins Superchrist.mp3
It's a heavy rocker they first introduced at the Fillmore shows last summer. It's evolved since then and it sounds great.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Granny Mo lives right nearby, so I got to hang out with her. We walked to the Jccc and checked it out. They have a huge Daruma doll. I have a tiny one that Koji gave me when he came to visit in February. I made a wish and filled in one of the eyes. When I go to Japan I can fill in the other eye. It only has one eye, like me! My Grandma is really nice to talk to, and she is helping me with a lot of things right now.
I bought some shoes cause I'm thinking of joining a gym.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I cleaned my bong today. It had developed a nasty stank, which led to nasty tokes. I went to Friendly Stranger and got some Orange Chronic bong cleaner and a new rubber gasket which was surprisingly easy to change. The cleaner got the stink out, thankfully.
I went over to Colin's house tonight. Matt came over too, acoustic jam session styles! They played some Stormalongs songs, and then there was the obligatory lute number(w/solo).
Saturday, March 08, 2008
The Breeders, Phoenix Concert Theatre, Toronto Ontario 03/09/08
They opened with Overglazed the first track off
Mounain Battles. They did a wicked cover of the Beatles Happiness is a Warm Gun
Friday, March 07, 2008
I went to see The Stormalongs jam session tonight. We were in the "heaven" room, which had topless angels on the wall, classy. The heat was cranked, and Colin's amp sucked (it had "no balls"), but the guys rocked it out anyways. Mo-Mo was sick with what could only be described as black death.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV
It would be sweet to see Trent live.
Monday, March 03, 2008
I just finished watching the full video, it took me 2 days to download. If you haven't seen this, it's one of the coolest recordings I've seen since the 666Tape. This guy got to watch the band soundcheck a new song, and recorded the whole thing!
There is a 10 minute clip on youtube, a torrent of the full 49minutes is available from zomb.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Smashing Pumpkins Are Free Agents!
Guitar Center has posted an interview with Smashing Pumpkins Billy Corgan and Jimmy Chaimberlain. The interview is to promote the release of Superchrist, a new studio track available exclusively on a new Guitar Center Compilation Cd offered at their stores. When Corgan is asked about the state of the music industry and the Pumpkins, he answers:
"Well, I’d say the best thing is that we’re out of a label deal – totally free agents. We we’re just talking about how we’re going to start addressing our artistic relationships with the world in a different manner because we don’t have to go through some parental structure of “we don’t like it and it’s not going to sell” – you know? We’re excited about the prospects of sort of being our own business people in terms of how it interrelates business."
Corgan is no doubt referring to Virgin Records refusal to release Machina ii:F&EOMM.
The Smashing Pumpkins began their career with singles on indie labels Limited Potential and Sub Pop, putting out their first record Gish on Caroline(a Virgin affiliate). After Gish the Pumpkins formally signed with Virgin Records, where they released the bulk of their albums.
After Machina: The Machines of God, their obligations to Virgin complete, the Pumpkins offered the label a bonus, Machina ii:The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music. Virgin declined to release it, so the band gave 25 vinyl copies of the record to fans, who spread it over the internet.
The Pumpkins broke-up in 2000, Billy Corgan released a solo record in 2005 on Reprise Records (A Warner Music Group Company).
The Smashing Pumpkins reformed in 2007 and released Zeitgeist on Reprise. On January 1st of this year the Pumpkins released American Gothic exclusivly on the American Itunes store.
With big name acts like Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, and now The Smashing Pumpkins directly in control of the distribution of their music the future of the industry has never been more exciting for music fans and never more bleak for the Corporate suits.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
I was living at my Dad's house in Parry Sound, it was the summer. I had my first job, washing dishes at Resort Tapatoo. I was on my break reading the concert announcements in the Toronto Star, and I was shocked, I couldn't believe what I saw. Weezer was going to play Toronto.
I got 2 tickets, I knew I could convince Colin it was worth the trip. I actually didn't plan on staying in Parry Sound. I hated the school and I missed O'Gorman. I figured I'd go back to Timmins with Colin and stay at his house till I figured something out. His mom gave the o.k. and the plan was hatched. Colin took the bus to Parry Sound and we partied.
I had a huge bottle of rum, this is Colin and I enjoying Rum and Lemon.
We took the bus to Toronto and went to wait in front of the Phoenix. Some girls were already waiting, and they had an extra ticket which they sold to this guy Mark, who lived across the street. He let us use his bathroom which was great after Colin went for food and came back with Steerburger. we waited out front all afternoon, which was a good idea cause look who showed up:
It's Weezer's drummer Patrick Willson and Weezer's Karl Koch, Karl Koch!
The opening act was Dynamite Hack
Weezer played Mad Kow, a rocking track they still haven't put on an album.
After the show we slept outside the bus station. When it opened, Colin tried to wake me and then went inside. I woke up on the sidewalk, looking in the bus station to see Colin asleep on the bench.
We got back to Parry Sound and Roly drove us to Timmins.